Tag Archives: super food

Chicken Tortilla Wrap

chicken totilla

Fresh, Easy & Delicious!

For those of you who are in a hurry this is the perfect lunch option! We bring this wrap to work all the time, it’s healthy and keeps you full. You can always change the chicken to turkey, ham, tofu, eggs or whatever you desire that day! You can also add some cheese and heat it up. Just use your imagination :) You can also prepare this the day before and keep it in a container or zip lock bag in your fridge over night :)

Chicken tortilla:
Whole Wheat Tortilla Wrap
50 gr. Chicken
40 gr. Crème fraiche,
A little sweet chili sauce

Mixed salad
Feta cheese

Enjoy :)

PS: I didn’t have whole wheat tortilla so I used a white one not as healthy I know :)

Orange & Berry Smoothie


This smoothie is really easy and only has 4 ingredients. It’s quite thick so if you want it to be a but thinner you can add some water or almond milk.


(serves 2, 202 calories each glass.)

  • 2 Oranges
  • 1 Cup fresh Strawberries
  • 1 Cup fresh Blueberries
  • 1 tbls organic extra virgin coconut oil
  • 4 ice cubes

Cut oranges and strawberries into chunks and mix all ingredients in a blender.  The coconut oil is very good for you, read all the benefits of the Coconut oil here.  Remember choose Organic, it doesn’t contain any artificial ingredients. If you would like to add an additional super ingredient you could add some Flax seeds :)
