Category Archives: Lunch

Chicken Tortilla Wrap

chicken totilla

Fresh, Easy & Delicious!

For those of you who are in a hurry this is the perfect lunch option! We bring this wrap to work all the time, it’s healthy and keeps you full. You can always change the chicken to turkey, ham, tofu, eggs or whatever you desire that day! You can also add some cheese and heat it up. Just use your imagination :) You can also prepare this the day before and keep it in a container or zip lock bag in your fridge over night :)

Chicken tortilla:
Whole Wheat Tortilla Wrap
50 gr. Chicken
40 gr. Crème fraiche,
A little sweet chili sauce

Mixed salad
Feta cheese

Enjoy :)

PS: I didn’t have whole wheat tortilla so I used a white one not as healthy I know :)

Egg & Pickle Sandwich


Fresh, salty & delicious

This is the perfect lunch sandwich, with the mix of leafy greens, eggs, bread and pickles it’s amazing!

You’ll need: 

  • 2 Slices of fresh Rye bread
  • Crisp lettuce, iceberg lettuce or any kind of lettuce
  • 1 hard-boiled Egg
  • 3 Slices of pickles
  • 2 Slices of bell pepper (green, yellow or red)
  • Thousand Island Dressing
  • 1-2 Tbsp of unsalted butter


  1. Bring a small pot of water to a boil, then add your egg and let it boil for about ten minutes.
  2. Get your greens and dressing ready.
  3. Over medium/high heat melt the butter in a pan and lightly coat each side of your bread and let it warm until both sides of the bread is crispy.
  4. Remove from heat and add the dressing, lettuce, pickles, bell pepper, egg and enjoy!


Homemade Thousand Island Dressing


Tasty, Easy, Homemade Dressing!

I’m sure you all have tried thousand island dressing before, but maybe what you didn’t know is that it’s super simple to make at home! This recipe makes 2 1/2 cups and can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for 2 weeks.


  • 1 1/2 Cups Mayonnaise
  • 1/2 Cup Organic Ketchup
  • 1 tsp organic Mustard
  • 4-5 Slices of pickles
  • 2 Tbsp pickle juice
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients in a food-processor until the pickles are finely chopped. Salt and pepper to taste and serve immediately or store cooled.


Healthy Flapjacks

IMG_0139Healthy twist on traditional Flapjacks!

We have never made this recipe, in fact we weren’t quite sure how to make this to be honest. We had a request and we did some digging and after a few attempts we feel happy with the final result. We found out that this is a traditional Irish/British food so please if we’ve done this wrong let us know so that we can alter it to your liking :)

The traditional recipe calls for syrup and a great amount of butter, so we switched that with raisins, dates and coconut oil and added some dried fruits and flax-seeds. While researching the healthier version of flapjacks we noticed some also add agave syrup for that special taste and texture, this is optional and tastes really nice. If you want to add syrup and butter to the recipe use unsalted butter (5 Tbsp) and Agave syrup (4 Tbsp)  instead of golden syrup and stay healthy :) See tip below for this method and other tips.


  • 1 Cup pitted Dates or Raisins
  • 1/2 Ripe Banana
  • 2-3 Tbsp Coconut Oil
  • 2 Cups Oatmeal / Oats
  • 1 Tbsp Flax-seeds
  • 2-3 Tbsp Dried fruit or nuts of your choice (banana, cashew nuts, apricots, raisins, coconut flakes, etc.)

Step by Step:

  1. Preheat your own to 325F / 170C
  2. Drop your dates/raisins and banana in your food-processor and mix well, you might have to scrape down the sides a few times. Alternatively you can also add the oats for a smoother texture.
  3. Now scoop the mixture into a bowl and add all of the ingredients and stir it well until everything sticks together, you might have to add more coconut oil as you go along.
  4. Pour the mixture into baking sheet/dish spread well and lightly press down the top with a spatula making sure the surface is even.
  5. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.
  6. Remove from oven and cut the flapjacks into squares or however desired and leave to cool in the baking sheet/dish until completely cooled.
  7. Store in airtight container, in room temperature or the fridge.

Alternative Method:

  1. Instead of using dates/raisins, banana and coconut oil, you can use butter and syrup.
  2. Use 5 Tbsp of unsalted butter and 4 Tbsp of Agave syrup.
  3. In a sauce pan melt the butter and agave syrup, then add all of your ingredients in the pan and stir well. Then continue the recipe how it is mentioned above.


Cucumber, Avocado Turkey Wrap

IMG_0078Fresh, Easy & Delicious!

For those of you who are in a hurry this is the perfect lunch option! We bring this wrap to work all the time, it’s healthy and keeps you full. You can always change the turkey to chicken, ham, tofu, eggs or whatever you desire that day! You can also add some cheese and heat it up. Just use your imagination :) You can also prepare this the day before and keep it in a container or zip lock bag in your fridge over night :)

You’ll need:

  • 1 Whole Wheat Tortilla Wrap
  • 1 Leaf of Grand Rapids Lettuce
  • Bell Pepper (any color)
  • Cucumber
  • Avocado
  • 3 Slices of Lean Turkey fillet (ultra thin slices, the kind you get cold at the supermarket)
  • Pepper or Dressing of your choice


1. Wash and chop your vegetables, and dry them with a paper towel, that way your wrap doesn’t become soggy if your bringing it with you for lunch.

2. Get your wrap and place the lettuce leaf on top, then your cucumber, bell peppers and turkey on one half.

3. Season with some pepper or add a little bit of dressing and place the avocado on top. If your bringing the wrap with you, we suggest you take your dressing along in a little container because the dressing causes the wrap to get soggy.

4. Fold the wrap and enjoy!


  • If you like to have this for dinner, use thicker turkey slices or even a chicken breast 😉
  • You can also add some, tomatoes, onions or even some black olives!
